Debra Corn Agency, Inc.
Foster Care

Committed to Strengthening Family Ties

About Us

The Debra Corn Agency, Inc. is a non-profit licensed child placing agency founded in 1986 for the purpose and prevention of institutionalization of children.  The Debra Corn Agency, Inc. offers solutions for those children who don’t have a place to call home. 

To date Debra Corn Agency, Inc. has served over 2,500 children and licensed over 1,000 therapeutic foster families in Indiana. 

Our Mission:
To recruit, train, and license therapeutic/specialized foster homes in Indiana for the care of children by providing the least restrictive, most family-like setting available to special needs children who are referred to our agency.

Our Goal:
To engage and strengthen Indiana foster families to support children in their journey to reconciliation and recovery from abusive and/or neglectful home environments. 
To best serve the needs of each child by providing wrap around support services to the children and foster parents through education, resource building, counseling, and case management services.

Children Served:
The children referred to the Debra Corn Agency, Inc. are considered “difficult to place”.  These children have been made wards of the court or may be in placement through the juvenile justice system because of their behaviors. 

Most children needing care have been removed from family situations in which they have been physically abused, neglected, or sexually abused.  Children suffering from symptoms of abuse and neglect, most notably, display strong emotions in response to their home life circumstances.  These emotions present as behaviors including grief, anger, acting out, or abusing substances. 

Children in care may range in age from infancy to 21 years of age.  The length of stay for each child will vary depending on child and family progress.  Some children will be reunified with biological parents or family members, some will become available for adoption, and others will work toward independent living or emancipation. 

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